Tha%C3%AFs (Italian film)

Thas, also known as Perfido incanto is a 1917 silent film directed by Anton Giulio Bragaglia. The movie is the only surviving Italian futurist film and currently kept at the Cinmathque Franaise. It is based on the novel of the same name by Anatole France.

The beautiful Slavic countess Vera Preobrajenska played by Thas Galitzy is a seductress of married men, who drags them to the brink of ruin. When Thas seduces the husband of her best friend, she dies from falling off her horse. Thas commits suicide because of regret.The film sets are characteristic of the Futurist movement. They were designed by Enrico Prampolini who used geometric shapes based on a strong black white contrast spiral, diamond, chess, symbolic figures cats, masks spewing smoke. Painted scenes often interact with the characters, creating a world of illusions where it is difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. As the film progresses, it becomes more and more abstract to reflect Veras increasing confusion. ........

Source: Wikipedia